The Institute of East-West Interdisciplinary Studies
Dedicated to Expanding the Dialogue between the Spiritual Traditions of East and West

The Mission of the Institute of East-West Interdisciplinary Studies
This institute of higher learning, contemporary research, documentary film, academic course offerings, and transformative counseling was founded by Dr. Judson Davis, who over the course of nearly three decades has derived tremendous inspiration and insight through the pioneering work of many eminent psychologists, spiritual explorers, and religious practitioners. Their work constitutes the foundation of the modern East-West dialogue, which came to prominence in the early decades of the 20th century and continues to this day, providing a fascinating channel through which to examine some of the world's most inspiring philosophical and mystical traditions. The writings, theoretical precepts, and cross-cultural perspectives enunciated by C. G. Jung, Marie-Louise von Franz, Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell, Mircea Eliade, Anne Baring, Stanislav Grof, Christopher Bache, Ken Wilber, Lama Anagarika Govinda, Ananda Coomaraswamy, D. T. Suzuki, and many others serve as the framework for this inquiry into the mystery of human existence and its many forms of profound spiritual expression.
Of particular interest to this theme is the intersection between modern Western psychology and ancient Eastern contemplative traditions, which, through cross-cultural and comparative investigation, provides unique opportunities for insights into the enigmatic inner workings and creative impulses of humanity. A deeper understanding of certain primary aspects of Tibetan Buddhist Tantra, for example, can be greatly accentuated through the lens of Jungian depth psychology, just as the underlying precepts of Zen can be applied to great benefit in a modern Western therapeutic context. Through engaging these seemingly disparate traditions within the framework of interdisciplinary research and practice, one discovers many intriguing facets of universal wisdom that forever await further exploration. In the pages that follow, these and many other captivating aspects of humanity's long and ever-evolving spiritual journey are examined through published articles, online courses, short documentary films, and an array of artistic representations from many of the most preeminent periods in human history. Archetypal themes
and images, especially as they are found in the art, architecture, and symbolic expressions of the world's numerous cultural and religious traditions, serve
as principle connecting links in this exploration. These themes are articulated in the Courses section through the institute's comparative study of Jungian depth psychology and Tibetan Buddhist Tantra. In addition, the defining tenets of East-West spiritual counseling, as a merging of the dynamic precepts and practices found in these two disciplines, are presented in Counseling section. And further, published works and documentary shorts are available for review in the Research Articles and Short Films sections respectively. Interested parties can make inquiries and book counseling sessions and coursework through the provided links in the Contact section, and additional content can be accessed on the institute's official Facebook site Psychology and the Sacred.
Below you'll find a collection of some of the most prominent archetypal figures and motifs that have arisen throughout world history as ardent expres-sions of the sacred. In concert with Jung's seminal pioneering work in depth psychology, and as articulated through the research of von Franz, Campbell, Eliade, Stephen Aizenstat, and others, these mythic forms are understood
as arising from deep within the collective human psyche. Engaging these numinous images through creative visualization and deep imaginal contem-plation thus serves as a potent avenue through which to penetrate and explore the consecrated regions of the inner and outer dimensions of life, leading to expanded depths of personal and universal meaning and a greatly enhanced sense of shared purpose in our lives. This represents a homecoming, a return
to Source that fosters an unfolding realization of the fundamental sanctity of earthly existence in what Jung (borrowing from medieval alchemy) termed unus mundus, or one unitary world. This is the awakening to the union and interrelationship of all things, which through the spirited, intrepid adventure
of discovery reveals the sacred mysteries of life. Explore, connect, discover! Carpe diem!

Archetypes of the Sacred
The Divine Feminine

The World Mountain Motif (axis mundi)

Symbols of Eternity in Stone

Messengers of Inner Light

Sanctuaries of the Sacred